Sunday 5 May 2013

The (AMAZING) Conde Nast College of Fashion and Design has just opened- will I be able to go?! (in 7 years time)

'Welcome to the Conde Nast College of Fashion and Design'-
The reception area- it looks so CHIC.
It's (a bit) like Chanel if Chanel was a room. :O
The reception area- AGAIN. It just looks so chic!- Also, there weren't many other pictures on for me to steal.

So, the Conde Nast College of Fashion and Design has just opened. :D- Actually, it opened a month ago, but I forgot to write about it then.
It looks AMAZING. I want to go sooo much- okay, I'm only 15 so I'll have to wait a while before I can go, but you know what I mean. It just looks perfect- so glamorous and well-equipped- a fashionista's dream. The only problem with it for me is the cost- £19 560 for the Vogue Fashion Foundation Diploma, which takes a year to complete; and £6 600 for the 10-week Vogue Fashion Certificate. This is waaaay out of my budget. It also puts me in quite a dilemma, because my dream for years has been to study English Literature at Durham University- I can't just give up this dream so easily. I read somewhere that the majority of students attending the Conde Nast College are graduates, but for me, I don't know if I'll have the choice to get either the diploma or certificate after finishing at university. With the astronomical, crazy-expensive cost of university tuition fees, not to mention the cost of living whilst at university (including all of those gorgeous clothes that will tempt me to reach for my credit card), will I really be able to afford another 4 or 5 figure sum subtracted from my bank balance? Why can't it be like the good old days, when my parents were at university, and my mum got a FULL BLOODY GRANT?!

I can't help but feel slightly bitter towards my parents. I know meritocracy doesn't always work and to be fair, she does have four children, but whenever my mum complains about money, I can't help but think 'Why are you a part-time teaching assistant if you want more money? Couldn't you have aspired a little higher?' Okay, so that makes me sound like a leetle beet of a beetch, but my family are definitely not poor- I mean we're not rich but we're better off than a lot of people- my mum just complains A LOT. Again, I must sound like a bitch, but believe me, it's true! Anyway, back to the college- it looks AMAZING. I think the expensive fees are completely reasonable. Why? Because the college looks BLOODY BRILLIANT! I've read all about it and it sounds like heaven to me! 
It's like the fashion world's alternative to the BRIT school.

In addition to this, I want to be a fashion journalist. Where better to get the necessary training for this than at the CONDE NAST College of Fashion and Design? CONDE NAST- a massive media conglomerate- just being in contact with its staff members would be hugely useful in getting me a job at Vogue. I'm not saying I would be guaranteed a job there, but it would be the perfect stepping stone to one, and would give me the opportunity to meet- or perhaps even become myself?- breakthrough, up-and-coming fashion designers and stylists. I can't help but think: 'Who gives a shizz about money? Yes, of course I need to live in the real world and accept responsibility for my own life and expenditure, but I would so much rather be poor, happy and educated- living my DREAM- than a little better-off but with a duller and less exciting future and prospective career. Besides, both during and after studying there, I could no doubt just make my own clothing, and I don't mind living off value baked beans for a while. I am aware- after visiting the college's website- that neither of the courses available provide training to 'be a designer' or 'be a fashion journalist', but they would teach me so much. And I can't help but feel that, seeing as the only required qualifications are 3 GCSEs or 1 A-level, I could be better qualified than a lot of other applicants. Gosh, there I go again, sounding like a bitch-why do I always sound like such a bitch?- am I actually just a bitch? :o - why do I keep using the word 'bitch'? Stop using the word 'bitch'!!

- Sorry, internal conflict aside, I have decided that I am definitely bloody going to the CONDE NAST COLLEGE OF FASHION AND DESIGN. Over the space of writing this post, I have realised 'YOLO'. I generally dislike text-speak and stupid acronyms, but 'YOLO'. Bloody 'YOLO'. 'YOLO' readers, live life by 'YOLO'. In order to live- and I am referring to living, rather than merely breathing- because there is a major difference between the two- one must follow the words of 'YOLO': 'You Only Live Once'. These words sound like the incredible insight of Gandhi, Aung San Suu Kyi, or another inspiring figure- when, in actual fact, they are simply the words of a thrill-seeking genius teenager. (I am not referring to myself here). :)

Moving on, after my little mad (but slightly genius (that made me sound like a self-absorbed bitch as well)) rant there, enjoy my college-related pictures above. I've just remembered that I have at least 3 years until I need to worry myself over university/ college shizz, and I also have to actually BE ACCEPTED INTO these institutions first, but...whatever. To quote some genius teenager 'YOLO'. 

P.S.- What does 'YOLO' have to do with the rest of the paragraph above? I have no idea, but I'm writing at 12.52am!!! in English time so I'm a bit tired- hence the lunatic-style, unintelligible speech.

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