Sunday 5 May 2013

I could be a fashion designer! -(kind of)

Here's a random picture of a married Keira Knightley to make my post look more interesting.- (Congratulations Keira (and your husband))
Doesn't she look beautiful!- As always. :D
That Chanel jacket!!!!!

Okay, due to my current exhaustion- it's 1:15am as I write! (In English time)- my sudden revelatory thoughts may sound a bit stupid/ not too revelatory at all once I wake up later in the morning. -Am I even awake now? I'm not so sure.

These revelatory thoughts I speak of are about me suddenly realising how awesome it would be for me to make some of my own clothes. I am CONSTANTLY complaining about money (sorry about that), and want to cry everytime I go into Topshop (about 5 times each day) and can't buy the gorgeous clothes I am so desperate for. I have to resort to simply trying on clothes for the mere fun of it, all the while knowing I cannot buy any of them. After writing my last post about the Conde Nast College of Fashion and Design, my (dead) brain has been (very slowly and with great exhaustion) whirring about fashion design. Sewing my own clothes could save me a lot of money (in addition to making me look like a little bit of a twat :D).I can picture myself sewing beautiful flowing silk garments with my mum's vintage sewing machine (okay, it's not vintage, it's just old), such as Chanel-style culottes and Valentino/ Oscar De la Renta- style embroidered dresses. Hahaha, I am no fool- I haven't used a sewing machine in two years, and only then did I do it because I was at school and I had to. I also can't afford silk.- Polyester mix, anyone? 

Nevertheless, I can try. And I want to buy one of those fashion-design books - one full of model's silhouettes for clothes to be drawn onto. I have been thinking of a few designs recently that I want to sketch, although they don't seem like ones I would actually have a chance of making myself. Anyway, that's it- my genius idea. It probably sounds a bit s#*! and disappointing to you- you beautiful reader (you're welcome :) )- but I can blame that on my exhausted state (although it really is my own fault that I'm not asleep yet). Next time you hear from me I may have a whole new wardrobe full of, uh.... 'interesting' home-made clothing. (But most likely not). However, I am determined to make some of my own clothes and by summer (which doesn't exist every year in England) I should have some decent clothes ready to wear.

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