Monday 6 May 2013

My Style Icons- The Fictitious and French Cecile :D

So... I have decided to (occasionally) discuss my favourite style icons. I was originally planning to list them all in one post, but then I thought: 'What, Sophie- (that's me), if I change my mind afterwards and discover some new icons to take inspiration from? What then?' So instead, I'll just tell you guys about all of my favourite style icons if/ when I feel like it. After all, some may have more significance than others depending on my mood/ the time of year/ etc. After reading an article in Vogue- !I just LOVE Vogue so much!- about summer, I'm feeling very summery and therefore inspired by my first style icon... :

The first thing I should say about Cecile is that she isn't real, 'merely' a fictitious character, dreamed up  by the wonderful Francoise Sagan, French writer and 'genie' -'genius' in French- as the young heroine of 'Bonjour Tristesse'. However, anyone who's ever read a good book in their lifetime will know that fictional novels and their fictional characters are often  more potent and inspiring than real life. My own personal imaginings of Cecile are about as stylish as one can get (after all, she is French!).- You know how I love all things French. :D I have never seen the film adaptation of 'Bonjour Tristesse'- meaning 'Hello Sadness'- but the Cecile depicted in this imagining is not for me. I'm sure it is a wonderful film, but I've seen pictures of her in it, and she just doesn't look the way I  imagine her in my mind. I imagine her in Chanel and  Dolce and Gabbana's SS13 Collection, wearing a vintage swimsuit (see Melissa Odabash) or something nautical and striped- the picture of French elegance. My depiction of her also involves long, flowing, white silk trousers- Celine-esque. Most of all however, I  see the Dolce and Gabbana. Her image to me is one of summer; of long lazy days on white, hot beaches; of cocktails and casual parties; of the warm blue haze of Mediterranean sea.

Dolce and Gabbana SS13
This gorgeous swimsuit is Melissa Odabash.

More Dolce and Gabbana

 If you haven't read 'Bonjour Tristesse' yet, buy it now. NOW. Or borrow it from your local library

HEY! I've just realised that my image of Cecile is very similar to that of ELIZABETH TAYLOR!!! See the pictures below and you may understand what I mean :

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