Friday 10 May 2013

'Once Upon A Time...' it's here! :D

Hello guys. The film I mentioned last week about Coco Chanel- called 'Once Upon A Time'- has been released and is available to watch- legally, I should add!- on the internet. I was expecting it to be longer than this- I didn't even realise it was going to be a short film- but I wouldn't change anything about it. It is a very beautiful film, starring Keira Knightley as Chanel herself (yay! :D) and is based around the opening of her shop in  Deauville. I would definitely advise you to watch it; it's fantastic and visually stunning!!

Tuesday 7 May 2013


Okay, so I have something to share with you- (don't get too excited). Yesterday, I was flicking through the pages of British Vogue- yes, I know, I NEVER shut up about Vogue- and an advert caught my eye. Actually, I wasn't exactly 'flicking' through the pages, because this advert was only two pages into the magazine, but nevermind. The advert is for Chanel- I know! I never shut up about Chanel either- and it is literally THE BEST ADVERT I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. It makes me sound like- or reveal the fact that I am- a total weirdo, but looking at the model in the picture has a profound affect on me and my sight of the world for a small moment. Unlike most adverts, which, in my opinion, don't show much emotion- are simply attractive women wearing pretty clothes- I actually see this one as a real piece of art. I sound melodramatic, I know, but to me it is like a still-life painting, and I want to jump right into it and the model's world.I took a photo of the double-page advert; here it is: 

For some reason, I just want to be the model. Not just to look like her, but to have her life and everything in it. I want to know about her life; where she comes from; who she is. She has a white horse;   I WANT HER HORSE! She has a tattoo; what do it say?! It's not in English; what language is it in? Furthermore, where does she come from? Is she Italian? Greek? French? I want to know her family heritage: who her parents are; where she is as the picture is being taken. Why does she look so intently at the horse?! Is it a shadow of her tragic past, here to haunt her once more?1 I see a pained memory flash across her face: what is it? What does she remember?! Who is she?! She has such graceful hands: does she play the piano? I want to be her! Where has she got her style from?! I look into her eyes and I see my whole life reflected in them. I LOVE HER! I WANT TO MARRY HER!!! (In a non-romantic way).

Seriously, that is the response I get from simply looking at this advert. Well done Chanel, that it all I can say. I feel like you have changed my life- at least temporarily. I now have a weird obsession with an advert from a magazine. 

Hey, I just noticed there is a man in the bottom left hand corner! I did not see him before! Is he her soulmate?!! Her kindred spirit?! Is he wearing Chanel too?????!!!!!!!!!!

I also looked through the April issue of French Vogue earlier today, and found an image from a photoshoot that I find insanely beautiful. It's a photograph of a pair of beautiful blue eyes,  decorated in a way that, for me, reflects the entire life the model has lived, and each and every beauty of this life. Just about every colour seems to glimmer in the model's eyes; it's true what they say, eyes really are the gateway to one's soul. 



Monday 6 May 2013

My Style Icons- The Fictitious and French Cecile :D

So... I have decided to (occasionally) discuss my favourite style icons. I was originally planning to list them all in one post, but then I thought: 'What, Sophie- (that's me), if I change my mind afterwards and discover some new icons to take inspiration from? What then?' So instead, I'll just tell you guys about all of my favourite style icons if/ when I feel like it. After all, some may have more significance than others depending on my mood/ the time of year/ etc. After reading an article in Vogue- !I just LOVE Vogue so much!- about summer, I'm feeling very summery and therefore inspired by my first style icon... :

The first thing I should say about Cecile is that she isn't real, 'merely' a fictitious character, dreamed up  by the wonderful Francoise Sagan, French writer and 'genie' -'genius' in French- as the young heroine of 'Bonjour Tristesse'. However, anyone who's ever read a good book in their lifetime will know that fictional novels and their fictional characters are often  more potent and inspiring than real life. My own personal imaginings of Cecile are about as stylish as one can get (after all, she is French!).- You know how I love all things French. :D I have never seen the film adaptation of 'Bonjour Tristesse'- meaning 'Hello Sadness'- but the Cecile depicted in this imagining is not for me. I'm sure it is a wonderful film, but I've seen pictures of her in it, and she just doesn't look the way I  imagine her in my mind. I imagine her in Chanel and  Dolce and Gabbana's SS13 Collection, wearing a vintage swimsuit (see Melissa Odabash) or something nautical and striped- the picture of French elegance. My depiction of her also involves long, flowing, white silk trousers- Celine-esque. Most of all however, I  see the Dolce and Gabbana. Her image to me is one of summer; of long lazy days on white, hot beaches; of cocktails and casual parties; of the warm blue haze of Mediterranean sea.

Dolce and Gabbana SS13
This gorgeous swimsuit is Melissa Odabash.

More Dolce and Gabbana

 If you haven't read 'Bonjour Tristesse' yet, buy it now. NOW. Or borrow it from your local library

HEY! I've just realised that my image of Cecile is very similar to that of ELIZABETH TAYLOR!!! See the pictures below and you may understand what I mean :

Once Upon a Time... :D

In just 2 DAYS 'ONCE UPON A TIME...': a film starring KEIRA KNIGHTLEY- you know I love her!- and directed by KARL LAGERFELD about COCO CHANEL- excited yet?!- will be available to watch on
Watch this preview; it looks beautiful!!!

Mes vetements- MY CLOTHES :D

As the weather in England- at least in Leeds- is nice- for once!- I felt I should share with you what I'm wearing today in celebration of the sun. Okay, so it's not exactly the most summery of outfits, but to be fair, I only said it was good for ENGLISH weather ('good weather' in England includes anything above freezing and only 23 hours of rain in one day). Some of the clothes I had to take LOTS of pictures of, because I am a pedantic freak, and got paranoid that none of the photos were clear enough. Therefore, please excuse the large amount of pictures (I believe there are around 10 pictures of just one pair of trousers). I should be posting more pictures of my clothes in the near-future, as I have literally only 3 more days of school left! -That is until I start sixth form in September, but I actually want to go to sixth form in contrast with being in Year 11.- This means I will no longer have to wear school uniform ever again!- Yay! No more blazer-wearing! (Apart from nice, fitted blazers, obviously). I suppose it would have been a lot easier to just take one picture of the whole outfit... but I don't want to give away my identity... :D Anyway, here is my outfit du jour:

My blue and white flowered trousers cost £14.99 from H&M. When I went on a minute ago to see how much they cost, it was sooo weird seeing a model wearing the same trousers as me!- (Who cares Sophie? Who cares?)

Me wearing the trousers- the reason why I'm standing weirdly is because I  had to  hold the camera away from me pour to take za picture.

The cuff of one of the trouser legs. I took this picture to show that the trousers are cropped (but I have to fold the cuff over a lot because I am so small :/ (5"3))
The flowery pattern of the trousers reminds me of the cover of one of my favourite books: 'Bonjour Tristesse' by Francoise Sagan- (read it. NOW.). By the way, I don't actually speak French- despite the title of this post and the fact that one of my favourite books is French. But I am trying to learn French (I don't have much time to learn it with all 13 (!)of my exams coming up soon), and I do- attempt to- read French Vogue. :D

My top is also from H&M (I used to have a weird obsession with H&M), and I've had it for years so I can't remember how much it cost. Look!- you can see my hand in the bottom left hand corner! :o -(Sophie... who gives a shizz??)
My 'Je t'aime' sweatshirt from New Look cost £15. It used to be really long and thick, but I've had it for about 3 years now- :o - so it's gone really thin. I prefer it this way though.
Why am I so obsessed with French things?!!

A message to YOU, MY READERS- if you exist!
'Je t'aime'- meaning 'I Love You'- in a non-creepy way.


My Next bag- £28- makes me feel nautical and matches my stripy top.

These flip-flop wedges are not the most comfortable shoes- WHY ARE FLIP-FLOPS SO PAINFUL?!!- but they at least look pretty (a mon avis (in my opinion))

My jewel headband from Accessorize (it was about £12) I bought on a ferry on the way to France with school. -Why  am I so obsessed with France!? Even the blue and white stripes on my top and bag are a bit French!! I had to put it on my leg to take the picture because it wouldn't show up properly on any other surface. :D



Has anybody else heard about the release of Chanel's new mascara?
And the fact that it will be sold in CHANEL VENDING MACHINES?!! *excuse me while I scream with excitement*. To be honest, even if the mascara is awful- which it clearly won't be- I will happily buy IT. I don't know how much it costs, and I don't care, because I know it will be AWESOME (sorry, I know I use the word 'awesome' waaaay too much). A VENDING MACHINE? A VENDING MACHINE?! Who thought of this brilliant creation? (in the context of it containing mascara). A creation whereby customers will be provided with a Chanel token, which acts as a coin to purchase this beautiful, genius mascaric- is that a word?- new product. The mascara is named 'Le Volume de Chanel Mascara', and is available to buy at Selfridges, if you would like to use- yes, please!- the vending machine. Otherwise, it is available nationwide. I will happily travel the 6 hours from Leeds to London just to buy it. :D
Here is a picture of the vending machine that I have stolen from    :D

Keira Knightley- I love her!

Sooo Pretty!

Keira Knightley avec nouveau husband James Righton

Okay, so in my most recent post from (very early) this morning- I believe written at around 1.15am?!- I included a picture of Keira Knightley on her wedding day. This had literally nothing whatsoever to do with my post, but I was trying to avoid boring you, yes YOU, to death, and thus included it randomly. I'm sure you have seen pictures of Knightley, looking beautiful, on the front of newspapers with her new husband. She looked so lovely I feel she deserves a post. She wore a pretty garland of flowers on her hair; a knee-length, pale pink, strapless, full-skirted dress (that was a hand full to say); and a tweed Chanel jacket. I have to say, well done Keira, once again you have succeeded in looking brilliant. Her choice of clothing was simple, understated and, as a result, perfect (although, with that face,she could wear a bin bag and still look good). Even her husband, musician James Righton looked stylish. 

I have always loved Keira's undeniable style. Here are some of my other favourite looks of her's:
Wearing Chanel from its A/W12 Collection.

Wearing Valentino.
Looking lovely in Rodarte.

Wearing Chanel with Karl Lagerfeld.
She opted for Erdem this time.

Sunday 5 May 2013

I could be a fashion designer! -(kind of)

Here's a random picture of a married Keira Knightley to make my post look more interesting.- (Congratulations Keira (and your husband))
Doesn't she look beautiful!- As always. :D
That Chanel jacket!!!!!

Okay, due to my current exhaustion- it's 1:15am as I write! (In English time)- my sudden revelatory thoughts may sound a bit stupid/ not too revelatory at all once I wake up later in the morning. -Am I even awake now? I'm not so sure.

These revelatory thoughts I speak of are about me suddenly realising how awesome it would be for me to make some of my own clothes. I am CONSTANTLY complaining about money (sorry about that), and want to cry everytime I go into Topshop (about 5 times each day) and can't buy the gorgeous clothes I am so desperate for. I have to resort to simply trying on clothes for the mere fun of it, all the while knowing I cannot buy any of them. After writing my last post about the Conde Nast College of Fashion and Design, my (dead) brain has been (very slowly and with great exhaustion) whirring about fashion design. Sewing my own clothes could save me a lot of money (in addition to making me look like a little bit of a twat :D).I can picture myself sewing beautiful flowing silk garments with my mum's vintage sewing machine (okay, it's not vintage, it's just old), such as Chanel-style culottes and Valentino/ Oscar De la Renta- style embroidered dresses. Hahaha, I am no fool- I haven't used a sewing machine in two years, and only then did I do it because I was at school and I had to. I also can't afford silk.- Polyester mix, anyone? 

Nevertheless, I can try. And I want to buy one of those fashion-design books - one full of model's silhouettes for clothes to be drawn onto. I have been thinking of a few designs recently that I want to sketch, although they don't seem like ones I would actually have a chance of making myself. Anyway, that's it- my genius idea. It probably sounds a bit s#*! and disappointing to you- you beautiful reader (you're welcome :) )- but I can blame that on my exhausted state (although it really is my own fault that I'm not asleep yet). Next time you hear from me I may have a whole new wardrobe full of, uh.... 'interesting' home-made clothing. (But most likely not). However, I am determined to make some of my own clothes and by summer (which doesn't exist every year in England) I should have some decent clothes ready to wear.

The (AMAZING) Conde Nast College of Fashion and Design has just opened- will I be able to go?! (in 7 years time)

'Welcome to the Conde Nast College of Fashion and Design'-
The reception area- it looks so CHIC.
It's (a bit) like Chanel if Chanel was a room. :O
The reception area- AGAIN. It just looks so chic!- Also, there weren't many other pictures on for me to steal.

So, the Conde Nast College of Fashion and Design has just opened. :D- Actually, it opened a month ago, but I forgot to write about it then.
It looks AMAZING. I want to go sooo much- okay, I'm only 15 so I'll have to wait a while before I can go, but you know what I mean. It just looks perfect- so glamorous and well-equipped- a fashionista's dream. The only problem with it for me is the cost- £19 560 for the Vogue Fashion Foundation Diploma, which takes a year to complete; and £6 600 for the 10-week Vogue Fashion Certificate. This is waaaay out of my budget. It also puts me in quite a dilemma, because my dream for years has been to study English Literature at Durham University- I can't just give up this dream so easily. I read somewhere that the majority of students attending the Conde Nast College are graduates, but for me, I don't know if I'll have the choice to get either the diploma or certificate after finishing at university. With the astronomical, crazy-expensive cost of university tuition fees, not to mention the cost of living whilst at university (including all of those gorgeous clothes that will tempt me to reach for my credit card), will I really be able to afford another 4 or 5 figure sum subtracted from my bank balance? Why can't it be like the good old days, when my parents were at university, and my mum got a FULL BLOODY GRANT?!

I can't help but feel slightly bitter towards my parents. I know meritocracy doesn't always work and to be fair, she does have four children, but whenever my mum complains about money, I can't help but think 'Why are you a part-time teaching assistant if you want more money? Couldn't you have aspired a little higher?' Okay, so that makes me sound like a leetle beet of a beetch, but my family are definitely not poor- I mean we're not rich but we're better off than a lot of people- my mum just complains A LOT. Again, I must sound like a bitch, but believe me, it's true! Anyway, back to the college- it looks AMAZING. I think the expensive fees are completely reasonable. Why? Because the college looks BLOODY BRILLIANT! I've read all about it and it sounds like heaven to me! 
It's like the fashion world's alternative to the BRIT school.

In addition to this, I want to be a fashion journalist. Where better to get the necessary training for this than at the CONDE NAST College of Fashion and Design? CONDE NAST- a massive media conglomerate- just being in contact with its staff members would be hugely useful in getting me a job at Vogue. I'm not saying I would be guaranteed a job there, but it would be the perfect stepping stone to one, and would give me the opportunity to meet- or perhaps even become myself?- breakthrough, up-and-coming fashion designers and stylists. I can't help but think: 'Who gives a shizz about money? Yes, of course I need to live in the real world and accept responsibility for my own life and expenditure, but I would so much rather be poor, happy and educated- living my DREAM- than a little better-off but with a duller and less exciting future and prospective career. Besides, both during and after studying there, I could no doubt just make my own clothing, and I don't mind living off value baked beans for a while. I am aware- after visiting the college's website- that neither of the courses available provide training to 'be a designer' or 'be a fashion journalist', but they would teach me so much. And I can't help but feel that, seeing as the only required qualifications are 3 GCSEs or 1 A-level, I could be better qualified than a lot of other applicants. Gosh, there I go again, sounding like a bitch-why do I always sound like such a bitch?- am I actually just a bitch? :o - why do I keep using the word 'bitch'? Stop using the word 'bitch'!!

- Sorry, internal conflict aside, I have decided that I am definitely bloody going to the CONDE NAST COLLEGE OF FASHION AND DESIGN. Over the space of writing this post, I have realised 'YOLO'. I generally dislike text-speak and stupid acronyms, but 'YOLO'. Bloody 'YOLO'. 'YOLO' readers, live life by 'YOLO'. In order to live- and I am referring to living, rather than merely breathing- because there is a major difference between the two- one must follow the words of 'YOLO': 'You Only Live Once'. These words sound like the incredible insight of Gandhi, Aung San Suu Kyi, or another inspiring figure- when, in actual fact, they are simply the words of a thrill-seeking genius teenager. (I am not referring to myself here). :)

Moving on, after my little mad (but slightly genius (that made me sound like a self-absorbed bitch as well)) rant there, enjoy my college-related pictures above. I've just remembered that I have at least 3 years until I need to worry myself over university/ college shizz, and I also have to actually BE ACCEPTED INTO these institutions first, but...whatever. To quote some genius teenager 'YOLO'. 

P.S.- What does 'YOLO' have to do with the rest of the paragraph above? I have no idea, but I'm writing at 12.52am!!! in English time so I'm a bit tired- hence the lunatic-style, unintelligible speech.

MISS VOGUE IS HERE!!- And I'm liking what I see. :D

Has anybody else read the new Miss Vogue yet? (free with the June issue of British Vogue) 

Because I have done, and it is pretty awesome. :) I luuuurve Vogue- I am hoping to just magically be offered a job as Fashion Editor at French Vogue as soon as I finish at university (yeeah, because that is soooo realistic). However, I have never been able to afford anything I've seen in there. To be honest, I enjoy this. Seeing gorgeous clothes way out of my budget gives me something to work for. It makes me think: 'Sophie, if you work super hard you could be able to afford some of these beautiful clothes one day'- or I could just steal them from the closets when I work for Vogue... whatever. There is actually stuff in Miss Vogue that I can afford though!! I cannot believe it (in a good way).

 Although I love the luxury of Vogue, it's nice that I can actually buy some of the clothes featured in Miss Vogue. I haven't read the whole magazine yet- I only bought it yesterday and I need to read Vogue as well- but the articles seem quite good. There is an article entitled 'Under Pressure', which I think is great because it really does tackle the issues young women and  teenagers are forced to deal with- image, exams, sex etc- and it has actually been written by teenager girls, which keeps it authentic and prevents it from being patronizing- which it could be caused if it was written by older staff members. The one thing I don't love about it is the article entitled 'Saturday Night Fever'. I suppose it is honest, but it's not exactly inspiring. Personally, I don't think it's too much of a good thing for a teenage girl to read about other teenage girls going out clubbing and getting- excuse my language- shit-faced. But whatever, the rest of it is really good, so go and buy it. Now. Well... just buy Vogue because you can't buy it on its own. 

To be honest, I still prefer Vogue, but I think it's good how they've clearly tried hard to provide information that young people both want and need, such as clothing that will suit most of our budgets. I think the staff at Vogue just need to make sure they don't try too hard to make it 'teen-friendly', because most girls who buy Miss Vogue will probably already read Vogue each month anyway (par exemple moi), so don't want to be patronized. All in all, Miss Vogue is a great little magazine, so I hope they continue to produce it over the coming months. :)
Below are some pictures from the June issue of Miss Vogue:

The cover- featuring Cara Delevigne (Who else?!)- a rather obvious, but definitely deserving cover star.
Pixie Geldof and Henry Holland discuss fashion, music and friendship.

Chloe Moretz features on 'Miss Vogue's 21 Under 21 Style Idols'.- also featuring  the wonderful Saoirse Ronan (read my last article and you will understand my love for her (kind of)).

Silvery Style- like an alien (or fish (or not)) :D

After watching 'The Host', an (amazing) sci-fi film based on the book by Stephanie Meyer, I have been intrigued by the presence of silver and metallic clothing- which seem to be all over the catwalk at the moment- despite the fact that all the major fashion weeks finished ages ago, but you know what I mean. 

In the film, Saoirse Ronan- who plays both Wanda and Melanie- wears some seriously cool clothing. Her style changes throughout the film as she must adapt to a change in living conditions, but all of it looks awesome (even later on in the film when she is supposed to look poor and not awesome). At the beginning of the film however, she wears a lot of shiny, alien-ish clothing (no surprise seeing as it's a science-fiction film). I especially love the metallic dress and shoes she wears at the beginning; however I could not find a SINGLE picture of them anywhere on the internet to show you. 

Anyway, this look seems to have really caught on, and silver appears to be one of the most recurring colours on both the catwalk and red-carpet. I sought out my favourite high-street silver clothing, it is. Yes, most of it is from Topshop, but I just luurve Topshop, and I don't think any other high-street store can compare to it. So please forgive the obsessive Topshop-ness, and watch The Host. Now! (If it is still in a cinema near you). I only watched it once and now all the cinemas in my city have stopped showing it, so I am tres, tres depressed. I want to watch it at least twice more in the cinema!!

 I think I'll pass on the silver contact lenses worn in the film, but the clothes I love for their futuristic-ness. You can tell they are awesome from the fact someone who loves clothes from the 1920's, 30's, and 1800's (me(obviously)), is obsessing over these futuristic beauties!!!!! :D

Topshop- £14

Miss Selfridge- £85

Topshop- £60


Zara- £29.99

Topshop- £55

Topshop Unique- £100

Miss Selfridge- £32
Maje- £315
As seen in Miss Vogue- that's where I stole it from- mwahaha
Topshop- £65