Wednesday 7 May 2014

What the bloody hell is happening?

I ponder over the disgustingness that is double denim, and how it is omnipresent in my nightmares:

So basically, I woke up last week, got dressed, rushed out of my house and went to college. And to my dismay, horror and disgust, I felt as though I had entered a parallel universe. Everywhere I went, all I could see was double denim- the dreaded double denim. Ok, that's unfair, because not everyone at my college wears/ has worn double denim. But after college, I was walking home, and saw yet more people in double denim.
When did this become okay? When did it become acceptable? Don't get me wrong, I have perspective. I am fully aware that wearing jeans and a denim jacket- matching or not- isn't as bad as war, starvation and corruption. But in a materialistic first world country (England), I think it's fair to say that there are very very few excuses for wearing double denim. Recently it's become a relatively alright thing to do. I don't know how and why this has happened, but seriously, I'm not okay with it. Whenever I see someone wearing this disaster of an outfit, I want to go up to them and shout in their faces. Usually I'm all for wearing whatever you want, so long as it isn't offensive to others. But this IS offensive to me. I don't even know why double denim is so bad- it just is. There's just something innately wrong about it, and it makes me feel ill. It's as bad as wearing hiking socks with sandals in winter.

Yes, that bad.

I haven't been brought up in a vain or superficial family; most of my family are pretty chillaxed, and frankly, unfashionable. But I have always been taught boundaries, and wearing double denim is most definitely surpassing important boundaries that are there for a reason. So someone please call me when double denim is 'out' again, ok? (It hopefully won't take long). And then I can leave my house.

By the way, I can't include any pictures in this post, because I will make myself- and potentially you- extremely ill. Ciao x

Saturday 26 April 2014

We Are Hairy People :) x

This is just a quick post, as I need some sleep...

A few days ago, I was on Facebook when I discovered the internet-based clothing brand 'We Are Hairy People.' As a feminist who believes that women shaving is, like, bad and stuff (not all feminists think this, but I am a follower of this belief, ), the name of the brand instantly attracted me. I'm not sure where the actual name came from, but whatevs. I then discovered that 'We Are Hairy People' is an ethical brand of GORGEOUS and unique clothes that are totally sweatshop-free. It shouldn't be a big deal that they don't use sweatshops, but let's be honest, the fashion industry is full of them. I LOVE LOVE LOVE their casual, pretty clothes, which are surprisingly affordable, and would advise you, dear reader, to check out their website:     
I haven't bought anything from here yet, but I fully intend to, and the second I'm a tiny bit less broke, I will be getting my hands on whatever I can.

Another really lovely thing about the brand is that, if you visit the website, you'll see they've used a range of models of different shapes and sizes, and they seem to really value the models they hire.
Here are some of my favourite clothes from their website:
Dress- £24
£40- Upon buying this particular dress, part of the cost goes towards a 'life-saving gift' that the brand gives to a charity of your choice (it could be a malaria net, a vaccine or school books for people who really need them, to name but a few of the options (this just makes me love this brand EVEN MORE, as if that's even possible)). -Actually, I'm planning on buying this dress myself.
Jumper- £36

T-shirt- £30
To see more of their clothes and potentially BUY THEM ALL, which I desperately want to do, their website is:
(I know I already wrote the website address earlier in the post, but doing it again ain't gonna harm anyone, is it?)
Ciao, love Sophie xxx 


Cressida and her SCRUNCHIE

Ok, so I haven't written on here for ages and ages and ages, despite my last post! A few things have changed since then: for instance, I've suddenly had to decide what I want to do with the rest of my life, particularly regarding which university I want to go to and what I want to study. FYI, I think I'm going to do Politics or International Relations, and I'm hoping I'm not going to change my mind about this, because that would be bloody annoying. But less about my irritating adolescent angst and existential crises (yeah, I know I sound bloody pretentious (I really do like the word 'bloody' by the way, but not in a morbid, psycho way)), and onto the subject of... SCRUNCHIES!!!

I live in Leeds (West Yorkshire, 'The North', England, Great Britain, Europe, the world, the universe etc.) and go to a sixth form college (Notre Dame) near the Leeds University campus. As a result I see a lot of the Leeds Uni students when I'm walking home, and when I use their library (I have a reference-only library card for their massive library). It's a tad unfair really that I can use their library for free and they have to pay 9 grand a year for tuitions alone, but I shouldn't complain. I realise that I still haven't mentioned SCRUNCHIES yet, so I'll hurry the fuck up. (Sorry about that F- bomb, I'm feeling rebellious). First though, lemme just tell you (please) of  two things I have noticed about the students of Leeds University:

1) There are A LOT of REALLY HOT male students (I'm sorry, but it's just very, very true).
2) There are A LOT of REALLY STYLISH AND FASHIONABLE female students.

If I wrote a post about the hot male students, that would be pervy and weird, and I don't want to objectify anyone, so I'll discuss that topic no more. Loads of the students here seem to be quite posh, and thus probably quite rich, so they've probably got a fair bit of cash to spend. I see a lot of those 'mom jeans' from Topshop, with casual yet chic shirts, black crop tops and lovely disheveled hair. And scrunchies. Everywhere I go: BAM! Scrunchies! It's a look I love, perhaps because I have a Topshop fetish- it's so hardcore it probably counts as a fetish- and I think that whole look is quite Topshop. 

I have short hair- one could call it a bob- and so I could only wear a scrunchie if I resort to a weird, too- short sticky-out ponytail, and therefore sadly I cannot participate in the brilliance of the scrunchie revival, or what I like to call 'The Scrunchie Revolution.' Personally, I think it all started with Cressida Bonas, and for this, I applaud her. Don't get me wrong, allow me to highlight that this IS a revival, and that the scrunchie was born (relatively) long ago. I can't describe why I love scrunchies so much, why they're so great, but I really do admire Cressida's pioneering and brave attitude when it comes to reviving such a garment. -Ok, chillax Sophie, it's just a bloody scrunchie.- Thanks to her, and the fact that she's almost royal- and might finally just settle down with Prince Hazza soon (as noone calls him)- the scrunchie has returned to being tres tres chic. Well, in my opinion anyway. I mean, Cressida is a chica who can (kind of) pull off dungarees. The new look of the scrunchie as a result is quite sloaney, but not irritatingly, OTT sloaney. Y'know, like someone who went to public school, but wears jogging bottoms because they're comfortable, and not because of that whole 'Sports Luxe' shizz. So, to conclude: Scrunchies are cool. The end. I'm not good at ending these posts so, like, bye or something... Ciao... xxx

Oh, and by the way, I'm sure there are lots of stylish and fashionable male students out there too, and I thoroughly encourage them all to embrace the scrunchie and wear it with pride.

A few of my fave scrunchie looks from le passé: (well, only two actually)
Sexy Madonna being all sexy in 'Desperately Seeking Susan.'
One can buy scrunchies from Topshop, American Apparel, and some other places I'm too lazy to research. Sorry, but I just couldn't be bov'd really. x